Ma Deuce Gunner

Ma Deuce Gunner


Thursday, March 24, 2005

Heroes and Patriots

Earlier, I related a story to you about an Iraqi Army soldier named Ali. I said that Iraq needs heroes and patriots. I bring you a story about another such individual: a hero and a patriot.

The man's name is Omar. (This of course is not his real name, I have changed it to protect him and his family.) Omar is an interpreter for my platoon. He is a member of our team. He goes with us on patrols to assist us in dealing with the general public. Six days a week he lives in our compound. Omar has suffered great personal loss due to his dedication to his country. His family was persecuted and attacked by the cowardly terrorists. One of his children was killed. Two other of his children were wounded. His home was DESTROYED. He and they were targeted because of his work with the US. He has moved his family to an unfamiliar city, where they know no one. He and his family are Sunni Muslim, while they live in a city that is primarily Kurdish. Yet he still works for us, and makes our job so much easier when we have someone who can communicate for us. He still is here, by our sides, assisting us in bringing order from chaos, safeguarding liberty for the formerly oppressed.

As I said before, his house was destroyed. Not wrecked, tossed, or robbed, but blown to the ground by terrorists. The people we fight are not insurgents, they are not rebels, they are not freedom fighters. They are TERRORISTS. They use fear as their greatest weapon in their attempt to destabilize the fledgling, LEGITIMATE government. They attack their own people, at their own houses of worship, at their own police stations, in their OWN HOMES. They do it by deception, using hidden bombs and drive-by shootings, covering their faces with masks or veils, because they do not have the gumption to reveal their identities. They do this because, contrary to popular belief, the general populace would turn them in to authorities. Not everyone here in Iraq hates us. Not everyone sees us as an occupying army. I do not think I can say this enough...we are constantly hailed as liberators.

This man, Omar, is a patriot. He is willing to face the same dangers we do, and spit in the face of our mutual enemy by not submitting to their terror and continuing to serve his country by assisting us.

Omar's family is very poor. They lost everything when their house was destroyed. If anyone feels compassion for this man and his family, and would like to donate anything to his family or his children, please leave a comment with a way for me to contact you. I will not publish my information here, but I will contact you in order to coordinate delivery of these items to Omar.


At 3:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another great post. I'm glad you're there to do what you're doing, and that we get to hear your story about what really happens in Iraq.

I'm definitely up to helping out "Omar." If you have ideas about what to send, please let me know.

You know how to find me. ;)

At 6:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Count me in. What do they need?

At 12:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would consider it a priviledge to help :)

At 9:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, mdg, I can't afford much on this pension but drop me a mailing address to and I'll drop a few bucks cash into an envelope.
Um, it is legal to send greenbacks, right? During my war we weren't supposed to have them, instead we had that stupid MPC scrip.

At 3:43 PM, Blogger Jack said...

You're off to a great start with the blog bro. keep it up, and let me know if you got any questions about the site or whatever that I can help with.

DS Rob
(former ma deuce gunner myself, currently stuck on DS duty)

At 3:45 PM, Blogger Jack said...

Oh yeah... and I'll put up a link to your site if you want me to send people your way.

let me know, and hang in there.

At 10:44 PM, Blogger Michael said...

Thanks for all the interest in helping can email me at

DS Rob....sure, if you link me, that would be great...I will do the same for you.

At 11:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every day I thank the Lord for keeping a wall of fire around you and your unit. He definately has you there for a purpose.

What is the best way to help Omar and his family? Greenbacks? like Pete suggested?

You know how to find me, too. :)

At 6:47 AM, Blogger Chevy Rose said...

Yes, I'll add them in my support of my 'adopted' soldiers.

At 12:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to send Omar sumthin.

At 11:27 PM, Blogger Annie said...

I want to help and to talk about an idea. Should I present here...or email?

At 3:23 AM, Blogger Michael said...

Jedati.....go ahead and email me

then, we can converse and then present on the site.

Thanks for your interest.

At 10:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike, I'll send this link around and see what I can drum up for you. Take care and be safe.


At 12:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd love to help.

hodgens *-at-* ben dawt net

* Reverse "ben" and "hodgens" to get the valid email address.

At 11:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We would like to help,we are a family in San Antonio. Don't have a lot, but I imagine that we are millionaires compared to "Omar". We would do anything to help keep you guys safe over there. You are lucky to have an interpreter-I am sure that he can minimise some of the danger for you. It would be our privilege if you would get a hold of us and tell us how to send you whatever you need for this man and his family.
Found you thru mudvillegazette!

At 8:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too would like to help. As another old army geezer from a time long past.Contact me at the address below and let me know what I can do to contribute.

At 11:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cant give a lot but let me know how I can. Let me know at

At 10:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

MDG! I would love to donate to Omar! A hero for both countries he is! Please let me know what needs to be sent! Especially childrens clothes and such~


At 5:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this website is a joke.and another thing,FACT:the picture with the humvee being stuck in the poo-mud,you weren't even there,you were back in the fob,inside of the wire.this is nothing but a big joke and against all opsec orders

At 9:46 AM, Blogger Michael said...

Renegade 6 said I was fine on OPSEC. So, if you think this is a joke, come talk to me personally.


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