Congratulations on being able to get home to your family. Relax and enjoy the time that you get to spend with them. I hope that it goes very very slowly for all of you. I know when my husbands leave came it went all to slowly. Thanks for the work that you guys are doing over there. Take care.
congrats soldier, just found your blog, but i already simpatize with you speacialy because you're safe and sound.. have fun and enjoy a good rest with your family...
I left this post at James Darlington's blog. Skip it if you're not in the mood.
It reads as follows....
First things first... Go back to MDG's blog and apologize for the shameless / shameful plug you put in the comments of his last post.
Then try to understand that the “GWOT” will last for many generations (if not forever).
I myself am not a religious person, but try to keep in mind that most people on earth are. I know, love and RESPECT many Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Jews and yes even Atheists. I would NEVER put any of them above another because of their religious beliefs (or lack there of).
I personally live a morally correct life. It’s very simple. It’s called the GOLDEN RULE!
I think that when you die you don’t know it. To me it’s a light switch. It’s binary… On or off… Poof!!!! Are my thoughts true? I won’t know until I die. I’m still here though!
Your three “options” are way out in the bleachers.
“first we can round up all the terrorist and brain-wash them, much like Christians brain wash the chlidren”
Typical Athiest is my answer to that.
“Second option, labotomy. We go in and physically remove these ideas from the terrorist brain's”.
Brain-Fart on your part with this one! Hey…? Why don’t we issue Ice-Picks to all uniformed personell in theater, so they can give a “labotomy” to the terrorists? I prefer the multiple “half inches of lead” that MDG and others of his profession issue to the terroists. DON’T SCREW WITH A MAN WHO KNOWS VERY WELL HOW TO USE THIS MARVILOUS MACHINE! MDG is only one of very many, and they are quite proficient at dispensing lead for the greater good of mankind!
“Thrid option and my personal favorite, we drop enough bombs on Pakistan or Iran or any one of those Terrorist nations to completely eliminate all of the eveil brain cells which make up the terrorist mind.”
This one is my personal favorite too! Oh ya… Let’s turn the middle east into a glowing glass factory. I think NOT! The free people of this little blue marble have LIBERATED nearly 60,000,000 people in the last four years. I don’t want to vaporize them. I don’t want them to be refugees from the “Glass Factory” either. I want them to stand up, brush the dust off and get to work for themselves so we don’t have to suffer for them anymore.
Many think we’re trying to impose our way of life on those we’ve freed from brutal tyranny. To that I say BULLSHIT! Free people will always stand up and give ALL to ensure they keep their freedom… AND we will defend, protect and nurture freedom for those who have never had it… PERIOD!
Respectfully, I have said… I should have to say no more about this!
James Darlington changed his post that I ranted about above. All context is now gone. He even removed my comment. Oh well. I'm now convinced that James is just a big SISSY!
If he's just an average liberal, then they are in really big trouble.
Congratulations on your leave.. Enjoy it, you have earned it.. When you get back, if you get anywhere near G troop 2/3 ACR, tell then that SPC Bradfield's father says "hello" Scouts out!
Good for you. Now enjoy!
Welcome home Soldier!
Many answered prayers for your safe return to your grace-given wife! We'll be @ your sis's place tomorrow. Love U, Mom and Dad
good for you, now get off the computer and have some fun :o)
Ooh-Rah, Brother!
Welcome Home!
Yes!!!!!!!!! Smiles... and more smiles. Have fun!
GOOD FOR YOU!! ...and all those so anxious to see you. We'll "see" you when you get back. Enjoy!
All Right!!!!!
Hugs and Love to You and your Wife.
WOO HOO!!!! Enjoy.
So happy for you & especially for your wife...been on that side of deployment myself.
Have a wonderful time!
Hooray! 'bout time. Enjoy yourself!
One bourbon, one scotch, one beer! Enjoy, just don't drink alone.
Congratulations on being able to get home to your family. Relax and enjoy the time that you get to spend with them. I hope that it goes very very slowly for all of you. I know when my husbands leave came it went all to slowly.
Thanks for the work that you guys are doing over there. Take care.
congrats soldier, just found your blog, but i already simpatize with you speacialy because you're safe and sound.. have fun and enjoy a good rest with your family...
regards from Portugal...
Welcome Home... MDG!
Enjoy your R&R!!!
I salute you with a really big ice cold BEEEEEERRRR!!!!!
Mmmmmm... Beeeerrrrr!
Have fun sir.
I left this post at James Darlington's blog. Skip it if you're not in the mood.
It reads as follows....
First things first... Go back to MDG's blog and apologize for the shameless / shameful plug you put in the comments of his last post.
Then try to understand that the “GWOT” will last for many generations (if not forever).
I myself am not a religious person, but try to keep in mind that most people on earth are. I know, love and RESPECT many Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Jews and yes even Atheists. I would NEVER put any of them above another because of their religious beliefs (or lack there of).
I personally live a morally correct life. It’s very simple. It’s called the GOLDEN RULE!
I think that when you die you don’t know it. To me it’s a light switch. It’s binary… On or off… Poof!!!! Are my thoughts true? I won’t know until I die. I’m still here though!
Your three “options” are way out in the bleachers.
“first we can round up all the terrorist and brain-wash them, much like Christians brain wash the chlidren”
Typical Athiest is my answer to that.
“Second option, labotomy. We go in and physically remove these ideas from the terrorist brain's”.
Brain-Fart on your part with this one! Hey…? Why don’t we issue Ice-Picks to all uniformed personell in theater, so they can give a “labotomy” to the terrorists? I prefer the multiple “half inches of lead” that MDG and others of his profession issue to the terroists. DON’T SCREW WITH A MAN WHO KNOWS VERY WELL HOW TO USE THIS MARVILOUS MACHINE! MDG is only one of very many, and they are quite proficient at dispensing lead for the greater good of mankind!
“Thrid option and my personal favorite, we drop enough bombs on Pakistan or Iran or any one of those Terrorist nations to completely eliminate all of the eveil brain cells which make up the terrorist mind.”
This one is my personal favorite too! Oh ya… Let’s turn the middle east into a glowing glass factory. I think NOT! The free people of this little blue marble have LIBERATED nearly 60,000,000 people in the last four years. I don’t want to vaporize them. I don’t want them to be refugees from the “Glass Factory” either. I want them to stand up, brush the dust off and get to work for themselves so we don’t have to suffer for them anymore.
Many think we’re trying to impose our way of life on those we’ve freed from brutal tyranny. To that I say BULLSHIT! Free people will always stand up and give ALL to ensure they keep their freedom… AND we will defend, protect and nurture freedom for those who have never had it… PERIOD!
Respectfully, I have said… I should have to say no more about this!
Derek S. Ford
Derek...You Rock, Dude.
Sorry, folks!
James Darlington changed his post that I ranted about above. All context is now gone. He even removed my comment. Oh well. I'm now convinced that James is just a big SISSY!
If he's just an average liberal, then they are in really big trouble.
We hope that you guys have a wonderful time together.Glad that you made it home safe and sound!
Mazel Tov!
Hope you're wayyy too busy to read this!
Foo, I miss the good news by not checking in.
Ah, well, I didn't miss the daily prayers for Him to watch over you and your comrades.
Welcome Home, Troop!!!
Cav Trooper
Hey! You have not posted in a while... I wonder if you're "busy"... Nudge nudge wink wink...
Hope you're having a great time!!!!
Enjoy the Land of the Big PX!!!
Welcome Back Scout!
Look forward to hearing your AAR!
Congratulations on your leave.. Enjoy it, you have earned it.. When you get back, if you get anywhere near G troop 2/3 ACR, tell then that SPC Bradfield's father says "hello" Scouts out!
God Bless you and yours!!
Welcome back, enjoy your time off!
Welcome home.
Bless you.
I am now seriously thinking that Mike died of happiness. :)
Where are you? Aren't you back in Iraq now? Well, God bless and keep you safe whatever you're doing.
As far as I know, MDG is on his way back to Iraq. Safe travels this way too, my brother!
I kissed him goodbye Thursday morning. If it takes him as long to get back to Iraq as it did for him to get home, it may be a few days yet.
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