Ma Deuce Gunner

Ma Deuce Gunner


Thursday, January 05, 2006

All Went Well

I am so totally amazed at my vision. I am a little giddy, because it is completely WEIRD that I don't have to wear glasses or contacts anymore.

I got glasses when I was 6. I just turned 25. I had been wearing glasses and/or contact lenses for the past 19 years, and Tuesday, that all changed. I LOVE it!!!!

Seriously, if you have ever contemplated getting this surgery done, take my advice...stop contemplating and DO IT.




At 5:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad it all went well, MDG. I'm a little chicken about messing with my eyes. I only had to start wearing glasses when I got old & they don't bother me too badly, so I guess I won't be getting 'giddy' anytime soon :)

At 7:12 PM, Blogger Machinistscott said...

Good for you gunner.
I might have been a little heated in some of my posts, I apologize. I wish only good things for all americans, especialy our men and women in uniform. No matter there political affiliation. I have never said anything negetive about the way the millitary does its job.
I am a registered independent.
I do however belive we can do better in regards to our leadership. With all the alligations of coruption comming out of Washington, do you really blame me.
Do you, as a conservitive, think that our defict is acceptible.
Dont you think our joke of a southern border isnt a security risk.
Do you think its wise to give tax brakes to the rich in a time of war and catastrophie.
Do you agree with the ease at which corporations are sending our jobs over seas.
Some one scolded me, in a previous post, for coming to a Soldiers blog who, as she put it," is pro-war and pro-bush. Answer: Im looking for honest answers.
What kills me is the anger right- wingers (and left-wingers) have aginst there own people. I question the motives or tactics of the GOP, and all the sudden Im a "commie lib america hater" or "I need meds". Is that logical to you?

Peace to you and your family.
Glad you made back.

Machinist, out

At 8:51 PM, Blogger Allison said...

I know how excited you must be. I remember on the forms the eye center asked, "why do you want lasik surgery?" I told them, "so that I wouldn't have to worry about losing another contact lense on the ice during a national championship again." As if just wanting to see clearly and perfectly wasn't an obvious or good reason.

Anyway, congrats! Welcome to the club, bro.

At 8:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Machinist: Here are some answers you probably didn't even know you needed. Here's how your post SHOULD read:

Good for you, Gunner.
I might have been a little heated in some of my posts. I apologize. I wish only good things for all Americans, especially our men and women in uniform. No matter their political affiliation. I have never said anything negative about the way the military does its job.
I am a registered independent.
I do however belive we can do better in regards to our leadership. With all the allegations of corruption coming out of Washington, do you really blame me?
Do you, as a conservative, think that our defict is acceptable?
Don't you think our joke of a southern border is a security risk?
Do you think it's wise to give tax breaks to the rich in a time of war and catastrophe?
Do you agree with the ease at which corporations are sending our jobs over seas?
Some one scolded me, in a previous post, for coming to a Soldier's blog who, as she put it," is pro-war and pro-bush. Answer: I'm looking for honest answers.
What kills me is the anger right- wingers (and left-wingers) have aginst their own people. I question the motives or tactics of the GOP, and all of a sudden I'm a "commie lib america hater" or "I need meds". Is that logical to you?

Peace to you and your family.
Glad you made it back.

Machinist, out

At 8:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Missed this one:

Some one scolded me, in a previous post, for coming to a Soldier's blog who, as she put it, "is pro-war and pro-bush."

At 12:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had mine done in 1981. I was one of 400 in a ten year study so that you can see. They did 16 incisions on each eye 8 at a time six months apart to see the results. It's all changed now, but we helped develop the technology. Glad to help. Problem now is that I can't read without glasses since I hit 45. Ha!

At 6:40 AM, Blogger Machinistscott said...

Thanks for the Grammer lesson Anonymous.

At 2:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear it all went well for you MDG!

At 9:37 AM, Blogger David M said...

MDG, Had mine done a few years agio and I wish I ahd had them done decades earlier after the miraculous transformation.

Giddy, doesn't even begin to convey the freedom and amazement you have after a "lifetime" of wearing glasses or contacts. Its been years since I had mine done and I still at tiems find myself subconsciencly going to adjsut my glasses on my face or attempt to take them off at night.

Glad all went well and welcome to the land of the seeing!

At 2:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So cool! How great is not have to wear your glasses anymore! God bless you, and we're soooo happy for you..!

Semper gratus,

At 9:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good news about 'da peepers'. Glad to know this op is so great; I may need it myself some time....

At 8:20 PM, Blogger Melinda said...

ITA with you! I had glasses since kindergarten & needed them before then I'm sure. Got contacts in high school but was back to glasses after college. When dh was deployed, I had mine done & it has been WONDERFUL. I don't know why I waited so long! At my 6-month check-up, I had bionic eyes...I'm figher pilot material. LOL

Congrats on seeing clearly & the problem free surgery.


At 8:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go on your eye surgury duece. I will have you in my prayers. 1025 driver

At 8:19 AM, Blogger Michael said...

Johnson, don't patronize me. You told me yourself you don't believe in God.

At 12:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Glad your surgery went well!
That is great.

I have a way to help peoples eyes without surgery which has worked for me and for many others.

8 years ago at age 63, I needed reading glasses. Then I started drinking the juice from a fruit grown in the tropics and has been used to treat many various medical problems for over 5,000 years. I am not pushing a company as there are now around 300 different brands of it out there.

Anywho, I consider it a Natural Healing Miracle and at age 71, I no longer need reading glasses.

It is called Noni Juice as I recommend it to everyone.

Neil C Reinhardt

At 12:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Glad your surgery went well!
That is great.

I have a way to help peoples eyes without surgery which has worked for me and for many others.

8 years ago at age 63, I needed reading glasses. Then I started drinking the juice from a fruit grown in the tropics and has been used to treat many various medical problems for over 5,000 years. I am not pushing a company as there are now around 300 different brands of it out there.

Anywho, I consider it a Natural Healing Miracle and at age 71, I no longer need reading glasses.

It is called Noni Juice as I recommend it to everyone.

Neil C Reinhardt

At 8:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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We probably would like to sell these sort of contact lenses.
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