Tuesday, February 06, 2007
- Peter Clute
- Mountaineer Musings
- Blackfive: The Paratrooper of Love
- The Mudville Gazette
- Anti-Iditotarian Rottweiller
- Louis Baliotis
- Drill Sergeant Rob
- Dude, Where's the Beach
- Assumption of Command
- The Gun Line
- Clarity and Resolve
- Thunder 6
- An American Youth with Her Head on Straight
- Milblogging.com
- Juggernuts (Lang. Warning)
- Little Mazza (MDG MOM)
- From My Position...ON THE WAAAAAY
- The Gunn Nutt
- Citizen Smash
- Desultory Butterfly
- Sunshine, a Teenage Girl from Mosul, Iraq
Bloggers I've Met
News, Laughs, Guns, and Gear
- Google News
- Drudge
- FOX News
- Homestarrunner.com
- dogbegone.com
- Heckler & Koch USA
- Kimber
- Impact Guns
- C.O.M Tactical Kydex
- The Tactical Tailor
- GG&G
- Steep and Cheap
- Animated Knots for Fishing
Previous Posts
- An Armed Populace
- Idaho Steelhead
- Is it me....
- A Red Letter Day In Iraq
- A Summary of my Recent Outdoor Activities
- This is my new Pup, Gracie. She is apx 4-6 months...
- Happy Blogoversary...to myself!
- Frustration Defined
- New OBL Tape
- All Went Well